Been sitting here in front of my laptop for almost an hour now but i still couldn't figure out if i will write something here or not. My brain's on the loose!
Sorry I haven't posted for a while. After the consolidation chemo, I hibernated to dream land and tried to live a pseudo-normal life. But with my restrictions and "not-to-dos" it's difficult most of the time. I've been continuously doing my therapy and patiently waiting for that time where I would see myself walk on my own two feet again. For now, I can already go up and down the stairs by myself, without a cane (I just cling to the stair handles like my life depends on it, ha ha ha).
I'm done with my liver function test, 2D-echo, lung capacity test, glucose tolerance test, sperm count test and endoscopy. Yesterday, they've removed "Hickie" (good grief!) and I also had my bone marrow biopsy. Tomorrow, I have an appointment with my EENT doctor in the morning and my dentist in the afternoon. I'm also taking a close to 20 pills a day and still under a strictly organic fruit, vegetable and soft diet. Whew! I was told that these are phases in preparation for the "my big SCT" next month.
I still feel lethargic at times but I know that I'm getting better every day. I'm still adjusting to these big changes in my life and I really thank God because all is going well so far. There were anomalies in some of my test results but my doctors assured me that they are all manageable and the prognosis are very encouraging. Nothing major has come up yet and my numbers are still okay. And, I have to mentioned that "someone" is making me smile every morning, making my "every day" a better one. Ehem! (I can't wait to spend some "quality tea time" with her soon).
I'm taking some baby steps, getting myself ready for the transplant while trying to live a somewhat normal life. My hope and trust is in HIM---my Lord, Savior and Healer----because He knows what's best for me and I'm completely surrendering my life to Him and letting Him do His will in my life.
Again, I want to say thank you to those who are still praying for me. God bless all of you! And to those who made comments in some of my entries here, thank you so much. Please know that I truly appreciate your visit and although I may not be able to answer all of them now, they are very important to me and I will try to answer them one of these days.
And I want to say a "special" thank you to Pastor Eric C. Maliwat of 702 DZAS. Thanks for the email po and for the prayers. More power to your station.
My journey from brokenman to betterman continues!!! Please journey with me!